FPTS: SSC received the dossier of stock issuance to raise capital
On April 28, 2020, the State Securities Commission of Vietnam (SSC) sent an Official Letter to FPT Securities Joint Stock Company on receiving the dossier of stock issuance to raise capital from the owner’s equity.
> FPTS: Record date for dividend payment & stock issuance (12/05/2020)
> DIG: Board approves to increase capital in DIC Tourism Co. Ltd. (12/05/2020)
> DIG: Notice of the share issue for swap (12/05/2020)
> FPTS: Notice of stock issuance for dividend payment (12/05/2020)
> EVF: Notice of amendments to charter capital in the Business Registration Certificate (12/05/2020)
> SSI: Disclosing License on increasing charter capital. (12/05/2020)
> SSI: Disclosing License on increasing charter capital (12/05/2020)
> KHA: Notice of transaction of connected institution (Viet Capital Securities Joint Stock Company) (11/05/2020)
> IDJ: Information disclosure about the result from the issuance of the bond package IBond_2020.02.10 (11/05/2020)