Thursday, 09/04/2020 12:27

Warrant FPT/7M/SSI/C/EU/Cash-04: Certificate for Offering of Covered Warrant

The State Securities Commission of Vietnam (SSC) granted Certificate for Offering of Covered Warrant No.54/GCN-UBCK dated April 07, 2020 to SSI Securities Corporation as follows:

  1. Name of warrant: Warrant FPT/7M/SSI/C/EU/Cash-04
  2. Code of underlying security: FPT
  3. Issuer of underlying security: FPT Corporation
  4. Quantity of warrants registered for offering: 2,000,000 warrants
  5. Conversion ratio: 1:1
  6. Warrant type (call/ put): call
  7. Warrant style: European-style
  8. Payment method for exercise of warrants: cash
  9. Duration: 7 months
  10. Depository bank of collateral: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) – Ha Thanh Branch.



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