Warrant FPT/4M/SSI/C/EU/Cash-04: Certificate for Offering of Covered Warrant
The State Securities Commission of Vietnam (SSC) granted Certificate for Offering of Covered Warrant No.55/GCN-UBCK dated April 07, 2020 to SSI Securities Corporation as follows:
> CVJC1902: The record date to exercise the covered warrant due to the expiry (09/04/2020)
> CVNM1903: The record date to exercise the covered warrant due to the expiry (09/04/2020)
> CMBB1903: The record date to exercise the covered warrant due to the expiry (09/04/2020)
> CREE1903: The record date to exercise the covered warrant due to the expiry (09/04/2020)
> CVHM1902: The record date to exercise the covered warrant due to the expiry (09/04/2020)
> CVIC1902: The record date to exercise the covered warrant due to the expiry (09/04/2020)
> CFPT1905: The record date to exercise the covered warrant due to the expiry (09/04/2020)
> CHPG1907: The record date to exercise the covered warrant due to the expiry (09/04/2020)
> RIC: RIC resumes full-time transactions (09/04/2020)
> STB: BOD resolution dated April 07, 2020 (09/04/2020)