CSC: Explanation for the difference in audited consolidated financial statement of 2019 year on year
> CMC: Announcement of holding Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 (01/04/2020)
> ACM: Financial Statement FY 2019 (01/04/2020)
> BTW: Report on explanation for the difference in financial statement of 2019 year on year (01/04/2020)
> ACB: Change in time to hold Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 and place of the Meeting (01/04/2020)
> LGC: LGC asks for a delay in the disclosure of financial statements (01/04/2020)
> KOS: Delay in the disclosure of 2019 audited financial statements (01/04/2020)
> RDP: RDP asks for a delay in the disclosure of financial statements (01/04/2020)
> RDP: The 2019 audited financial statements allowed to delay the disclosure (01/04/2020)
> UDC: UDC asks for a delay in the disclosure of financial statements (01/04/2020)
> VCP: Change in Business Registration Certificate (01/04/2020)