VND: Record date for AGM 2020
On March 18, 2020, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.414/TB-SGDHCM about the record date of Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Company as follows:
- Ex-right date: April 01, 2020
- Record date: April 03, 2020
- Exercise ratio: 01 share – 01 voting right
- Meeting time: Notice later.
- Meeting venue: Notice later.
> VPB: Explanation for the difference in financial statements before and after the audit (20/03/2020)
> PNJ: Explanation for the fluctuation of business result (20/03/2020)
> FUCVREIT: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2020 (20/03/2020)
> MBS: Notice of record date for AGM 2020 (20/03/2020)
> VNDS: Decision on holding AGM 2020 (20/03/2020)
> HCB: Change in time of holding the AGM 2020 (20/03/2020)
> HSM: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of 2019 year on year (20/03/2020)
> GTS: Financial Statement FY 2019 (holding company) (20/03/2020)
> HC3: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of 2019 year on year (20/03/2020)