VPB: Explanation for the difference in financial statements before and after the audit
VietNam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank (VPBank) announces the difference in financial statements before and after the audit in 2019 as follows:
> PNJ: Explanation for the fluctuation of business result (20/03/2020)
> FUCVREIT: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2020 (20/03/2020)
> MBS: Notice of record date for AGM 2020 (20/03/2020)
> VNDS: Decision on holding AGM 2020 (20/03/2020)
> HCB: Change in time of holding the AGM 2020 (20/03/2020)
> HSM: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of 2019 year on year (20/03/2020)
> GTS: Financial Statement FY 2019 (holding company) (20/03/2020)
> HC3: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of 2019 year on year (20/03/2020)
> GTS: Financial Statement FY 2019 (20/03/2020)