SGT: Decision on record date for the fiscal year 2019 AGM
On February 10, 2020, Sai Gon Telecommunication & Technologies Corporation issued a decision to approve the record date for the fiscal year 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on March 03, 2020.
> VCC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (holding company) (11/02/2020)
> EIN: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (holding company) (11/02/2020)
> EIN: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (11/02/2020)
> REE: BOD resolution on holding FY 2019 AGM & dividend payment for 2019 (11/02/2020)
> KBC: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (11/02/2020)
> IJC: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (11/02/2020)
> VDT: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 (11/02/2020)
> C32: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (11/02/2020)