D2D: Result of stock issuance for capital increase
Industrial Urban Development Joint Stock Company No.2has reported the result of a stock issuance to increase its share capital from the owner’s capital as follows:
I. Information on stock:
II. Result:
- Outstanding shares: 21,309,968 shares
- Treasury shares: 45,016 shares
> BDC: Information disclosure on the result of bond issuance in 2019 (10/07/2019)
> TDH: Result of stock issuance for capital increase (09/07/2019)
> KSB: Board resolution on the issue of non-convertible bond (09/07/2019)
> DTA: Change of the use of capital from stock issuance (09/07/2019)
> DHC: Stock issuance to pay dividend (09/07/2019)
> QBS: BOD resolution on contributing capital to set up subsidiary (08/07/2019)
> MSN: BOD resolution on increasing charter capital (08/07/2019)
> CII: Board approves to issue VND800 billion bonds (08/07/2019)
> PPP: Results of share issue for dividend payment (05/07/2019)