SAV: Result of share issue for capital increase
Savimex Corporation has reported the result of share issue for capital increase as follows:
I. Information on stock:
II. Result:
> GMC: Notice of stock issue for dividend 2018 (04/06/2019)
> D2D: Board resolution on the documents of stock issuance (04/06/2019)
> TVS: Information on stock issuance (04/06/2019)
> BSI: Stock issuance to pay dividend (04/06/2019)
> PTG: Notice of share issuance under ESOP (03/06/2019)
> KDH: Record date for 2018 dividend payment & stock issuance (03/06/2019)
> SCR: Board approves to contribute capital to set up a company (03/06/2019)
> DIG: Board resolutions on the capital withdrawal (03/06/2019)
> DIG: BOD approves to plan the stock issuance to pay dividend for 2018 (03/06/2019)
> CAV: Increasing charter capital (03/06/2019)