LGL: Report on the use of capital from public offering
Long Giang Investment and Urban Development Joint Stock Company (ELGL) has announced the use of capital from the public offering as follows:
> TV2: BOD approves the result of stock issuance to pay dividend (27/06/2019)
> CEE: BOD resolution on increasing charter capital for NBB Quang Ngai (27/06/2019)
> TMS: Report on the result of bond issuance (27/06/2019)
> MSN: Result of the ESOP (27/06/2019)
> HAX: Notice of stock issuance for the ESOP (27/06/2019)
> BOT: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (CNC Capital Vietnam JSC) (27/06/2019)
> PDV: Notice of record date for share issuance to outstanding shareholder (26/06/2019)
> NTP: Board decision on the implementation of capital increase plan (26/06/2019)
> HSG: Result of redemption of ESOP shares (26/06/2019)
> VFG: Board approves the redemption of 9,100 ESOP shares (26/06/2019)