IMP: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2019 Imexpharm Corporation announces the resolution of Annual General Meeting 2019, which was convened on April 23, 2019, as follows:
Article 1: Approving the report of the Board of Directors regarding business performance in 2018 and business plan for 2019.
Article 2: Approving the report of the Management Board.
Article 3: Approving the report of the Board of Supervisors.
Article 4: Approving the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in 2018 and 2019.
Article 5: Approving the profit distribution plan for 2018 and the dividend payment for 2019.
Article 6: Approving to authorize the Board of Directors to choose an audit firm for auditing the listed company's financial statements in 2019.
Article 7: Approving the establishment and use of Investment Development Fund in 2019.
Article 8: This resolution shall take effect from April 23, 2019.
Please see the attached files. Attached Files: | 20190504_IMP 190504 Proposal on Distribution to S&T Development fund 2019.pdf | 20190504_IMP 190504 Proposal on Profit distribution 2018 & plan dividend 2019.pdf | 20190504_IMP 190504 Proposal on selection independent auditing firm.pdf | 20190504_IMP 190504 Report & Performance evaluation of BOD 2018 -Plans 2019.pdf |