LBM: Resolution on the distribution of unsold shares Lam Dong Minerals and Building Materials Joint Stock Company announces the Board resolution dated April 03, 2019 as follows:
- The Board of Directors approved the auction result as follows:
- Number of shares registered to bid: 1,500,000 shares
- Total ordered volume: 1,073,420 shares
- Total volume sold:1,003,420 shares
- Number of unsold shares: 496,580 shares.
2. The Board of Directors approved to distribute 496,580 unsold shares:
2.1.Number of shares offered to Lam Dong Invertment Hydraulic Construction Joint Stock Company: 426,580 shares
2.2.Number of shares offered to Ms: Nguyen Thi Hien: 70,000 shares
These shares will be restricted in 01 year.
Time for subscription and payment: before April 12, 2019