HTM: Board resolution
> Điểm tin giao dịch 29.01.2019 (29/01/2019)
> Market Summary 29.01.2019 (29/01/2019)
> TPC: BOD resolution dated January 25, 2019 (29/01/2019)
> STK: BOD approves the transaction with Lien An (29/01/2019)
> PLP: Announcement of public offering certificate (29/01/2019)
> STK: BOD approves the transaction with Hung Loi (29/01/2019)
> RIC: BOD resolution dated January 28, 2019 (29/01/2019)
> STK: BOD resolution No.05 _ 26 Jan 2019 (29/01/2019)
> STK: BOD approves the transaction with PAN Asia (29/01/2019)
> MCG: BOD resolution on the divestment at Thac Xang JSC (29/01/2019)