THG: Report Insider Transaction
Report Insider Transaction of Tien Giang Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company as follows:
> DXG: Notification Insider Transaction (19/12/2018)
> RCC: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2018 (19/12/2018)
> HoSE suspends Orient Securities (ORS) from equity purchases (19/12/2018)
> AME: Notice of record date of exercising the share purchase right (18/12/2018)
> KHP: BOD approves to sign loan contract (18/12/2018)
> TGP: Signing a contract with auditor for fiscal year 2018 (18/12/2018)
> DXL: Information disclosure about shareholding ownership ratio of foreign investors (18/12/2018)
> BCM: Board decision (18/12/2018)
> SVC: SVC to set up Lam Dong Auto Com. Ltd (18/12/2018)
> Điểm tin giao dịch 18.12.2018 (18/12/2018)