Monday, 10/12/2018 16:37

TCH: BOD resolution on implementing the investment plan for projects

The Board resolution dated December 06, 2018 approved the following issues as follows:

Article1: Approving the implementation of the idle capital transfer between companies that have excess capital and those companies that have the need of investment and payment for the purpose of supplementing business capital and investment in projects, including:

-     Hoang Huy Investment Financial Services Joint Stock Company and subsidiaries (Hung Viet Trading Joint Stock Company, Thinh Hiep Construction Joint Stock Company, Thinh Phat Real Estate Construction Joint Stock Company transfer capital to each other according to the actual demand through an agreement of loan contracts with maximum interest rate of 10% /year.

-     Hoang Huy Investment Financial Services Joint Stock Company and Hung Viet Trading Joint Stock Company, Thinh Hiep Construction Joint Stock Company, Thinh Phat Real Estate Construction Joint Stock Company participate in loan or lending transactions with companies including Hoang Huy Investment Services JSC (an associated company) and Hoang Giang Service Development JSC (subsidiary of affiliated company) through loan contracts with maximum interest rate of 10%/year.

Article 2: This resolution will be effective from December 06, 2018.



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