PRO: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2018
As of 13/12/2018, the company announced that Auditing and Informatics Services Company Limited (AISC) - Da nang branch has been selected as Auditor for Fiscal year 2018
> VND: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (17/12/2018)
> TPB: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (17/12/2018)
> CRE: BOD resolution on the transaction with related companies (17/12/2018)
> PLX: BOD resolution on the selling of treasury shares (17/12/2018)
> C47: C47 to sign construction contract (17/12/2018)
> AST: Decision on tax penalties (17/12/2018)
> HPI: Notice of record date for a ballot (17/12/2018)
> LTG: HNX Notice: First trading date of additional shares (LTG) on UPCoM (17/12/2018)
> HII: Notification Insider Transactio (17/12/2018)
> HII: Report Insider Transaction (17/12/2018)