TMS: BOD resolution dated October 24, 2018
Transimex Corporation announces the Board resolution No.06 dated October 24, 2018 as follows:
- Expected issue volume: 665,265 shares
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Stock type: common share
- Issue price: equal to 80% of the book value according to the latest audited financial statement.
- Transfer restriction: These shares will be restricted in 01 year from the finish date of the issue.
> THI: Report on purchasing the treasury shares (26/10/2018)
> NSC: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (26/10/2018)
> THI: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (26/10/2018)
> SRF: BOD resolution on planning the purchase of treasury shares (26/10/2018)
> OGC: Notice of the holding of BOD Extraordinary meeting (26/10/2018)
> CTS: Explanation for the difference in the number of treasury shares (26/10/2018)
> VJC: Notification Insider Transaction (26/10/2018)
> THI: Report Insider Transaction (26/10/2018)
> SSI: Report Insider Transaction (26/10/2018)
> ASA: Notice of record date for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholder 2018 (26/10/2018)