Friday, 26/10/2018 14:59

TMS: BOD resolution dated October 24, 2018

Transimex Corporation announces the Board resolution No.06 dated October 24, 2018 as follows:

  1. Approving to establish Logistics Services Department, effective from January 02, 2019.
  2. Approving the resignation of Mr. Ton That Hung as Deputy CEO as from December 01, 2018.
  3. Approving the appointment of Mr. Nguyen Anh Minh as Deputy CEO as from January 02, 2019.
  4. Approving the resignation of Mr. Le Van Hung as Chief Accountant as from November 01, 2018.
  5. Approving the appointment of Mr. Le Van Hung as Chief Financial Officer as from November 01, 2018.
  6. Approving the appointment of Ms. Nguyen Hong Kim Chi as Chief Accountant as from November 01, 2018.
  7. Approving to implement the plan for stock issuance under ESOP:

-       Expected issue volume: 665,265 shares

-       Par value: 10,000 dongs/share

-       Stock type: common share

-       Issue price: equal to 80% of the book value according to the latest audited financial statement.

-       Transfer restriction: These shares will be restricted in 01 year from the finish date of the issue.



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