PC1: Report on the use of capital from private placement (phase 2)
Power Construction Joint Stock Company (PC1) has announced the use of capital from the second private placement period as follows:
> TNA: The record date for bonus stock issuance (18/10/2018)
> VID: Stock issuance to pay dividend (17/10/2018)
> TDM: Report on progress of use of the proceeds from issuing share in ESOP (16/10/2018)
> AAV: The result of the share issue for 2017 dividend payment (16/10/2018)
> DAG: Result of stock issuance for capital increase (16/10/2018)
> TNA: Notice of stock issuance for capital increase and the ESOP (15/10/2018)
> DLG: Approving the result of shares issuance for dividend payment (15/10/2018)
> DLG: Result of stock issuance for 2017 dividend payment (15/10/2018)
> DC1: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash, by share and seasoned issue (15/10/2018)
> KDH: Result of stock issuance for the ESOP (12/10/2018)