Thursday, 25/10/2018 14:03

PAN: Result of private placement


The PAN Group Joint Stock Company announced the result of private placement as follows:

1. Information on stock:

-       Stock name: The PAN Group Joint Stock Company

-       Stock type: common stock  

-       Par value: VND10,000/share

-       Registered offering volume: 14,861,818 shares

-       Estimated mobilized capital: VND148,618,180,000

-       Beginning date: September 18, 2018

-       Ending date: September 25, 2018

2.Result of private placement:

-       Total distributed shares: 13,400,000 shares (accounting for 90.16% of offering shares)

-       Issuing price: 61,000 dongs/share

-       Total proceeds: VND817,400,000,000

-       Total expenses: 26,597,500,000 dongs

-       Total net revenue: VND790,802,500,000

3.The list & owning ratio of investors:


Name of investors

Number of shares previously owned

Number of shares distributed

Number of shares owned after offering

Owning ratio after offering


Sojitz Corporation







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