MTP: 22/10/2018, first trading date of additional shares on UPCoM (MTP)
HNX announces the first trading date of additional shares (MTP) on UPCoM as follows - Issuer: Medipharco Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - Stock code: MTP - Securities type: common stock - Par value: VND10,000/share - Total volume of additional shares registered for trading on UPCoM: 998,367shares - Total par value of additional shares registered for trading on UPCoM: VND 9,983,670,000 - Total volume registered for trading on UPCoM after additional registration: 3,998,367 shares - Total par value registered for trading on UPCoM after additional registration: VND 39,983,670,000 - First trading date: 22/10/2018
> NHT: 22/10/2018, First trading date of additional shares on UPCoM (NHT) (18/10/2018)
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