EFI: General Mandate 2018
> STG: Record date for seeking shareholders’ approval (23/10/2018)
> VHM11801: Announcement of the first trading date (23/10/2018)
> SEA: Extraordinary General Mandate 2018 (23/10/2018)
> THG: Approving the investment project for Gia Thuan I Industrial clusters (23/10/2018)
> TLD: BOD resolution dated October 22, 2018 (23/10/2018)
> TLD: Record date for 2018 EGM (23/10/2018)
> TCB: Record date for implementing rights of the election for the BOD (23/10/2018)
> POW: Notice of the record date for exercising the right of attending the EGM 2018 (23/10/2018)
> MBS: Board Resolution (23/10/2018)
> Điểm tin giao dịch 23.10.2018 (23/10/2018)