Tuesday, 23/10/2018 16:08

TLD: BOD resolution dated October 22, 2018

Thang Long Urban Development and Construction Investment Joint Stock Company announces the Board resolution dated October 22, 2018 as follows:

1. Approving to register the official trading date for additional listing in the stock issuance to pay dividend for 2017 on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange:

-       Additional listing volume: 719,788 shares

-       Total listing value after change (based on par value): VND7,197,880,000

-       Effective date of the listing license: October 19, 2018

-       Official trading date: November 05, 2018

-       Reason for the change of listing: stock issuance to pay dividend for 2017.

2. Approving to hold the second 2018 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:

-       Record date: November 21, 2018

-       Reason & purpose: to hold the second 2018 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

-       Meeting time: expected in December 18, 2018

-       Meeting venue: lot 1 Thong Nhat Street, Tan Hoi Commune, Dan Phuong District, Ha Noi City.


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