TTB: First trading day of additional listed shares
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (13/07/2018)
> SHI: Announcement of the change of listing (13/07/2018)
> BVH: Decision on the change of listing (13/07/2018)
> NKG: Decision on the change of listing (12/07/2018)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (12/07/2018)
> PNJ: Announcement of the change of listing (12/07/2018)
> SGN: Delisting of stock on UPCoM (SGN) (12/07/2018)
> CNC: 16/07/2018, first trading day of additional trading registration shares (11/07/2018)
> PIV: Request of explanation for reason and solution to the delisting status (11/07/2018)
> CII41401: Decision on the change of listing (11/07/2018)