PIV: Request of explanation for reason and solution to the delisting status
In July 2018, PIV Joint Stock Company announced the request of explanation for reason and solution to the delisting status as follows: On 02 July 2018, Hanoi Stock Exchange received 2017 audited financial statements of PIV Joint Stock Company (Stock code: PIV). After reviewing, Hanoi Stock Exchange found that the auditor declined to comment on the financial statements of PIV Corporation in 2017. Such, PIV share was put in the delisting status based on Decree No. 58/ 2012/ ND – CP dated 20 Jul 2012. Hanoi Stock Exchange requested the Company to explain reason and solution to the delisting status and send the explanation to Hanoi Stock Exchange on 12 July 2018 at the latest.
> CII41401: Decision on the change of listing (11/07/2018)
> CII41401: Announcement of the change of listing (11/07/2018)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (11/07/2018)
> TTB: HNX Notice: Official admission of additional listing of TTB (11/07/2018)
> TTB: HNX Notice: Admission in principle of additional listing of TTB (11/07/2018)
> VIC11725: Notice of listing and first trading day (10/07/2018)
> VIC11724: Notice of listing and first trading day (10/07/2018)
> PNJ: Decision on the change of listing (10/07/2018)
> PME: Decision on the change of listing (10/07/2018)
> PME: Announcement of the change of listing (10/07/2018)