SPM: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2018 S.P.M Corporation announces the resolution of Annual General Meeting 2018, which was organized on June 29, 2018 as follows:
Article 1: Approving the reports on business performance in 2017, the report of Board of Directors, the report of Board of Supervisors.
Article 2: Approving the 2017 audited financial statements.
Article 3: Approving the 2017 profit distribution plan: The Company will not distribute profit.
Article 4: Approving the business plan for 2018:
- Net revenue: 500 billion dongs
- Profit after tax: 20 billion dongs
Article 5: Approving the amendment to the Company’s Charter.
Article 6: Approving to choose A&C Auditing and Consulting Co., Ltd. as the audit company for SPM in 2018.