HOSE: The securities brokerage market share in Q2.2018
HOSE announces the securities brokerage market share of 10 leading securities companies on HOSE in Quarter 2/2018 and the first six months of 2018 as follows:
> KDC: Board resolution on choosing an audit company (06/07/2018)
> PEN: General Mandate 2018 (06/07/2018)
> PCN: General Mandate 2018 (06/07/2018)
> LTC: General Mandate 2018 (06/07/2018)
> HU3: Board resolution on choosing an audit company (06/07/2018)
> KDM: Extraordinary General Mandate 2018 (06/07/2018)
> VHM: BOD Resolution on collecting shareholders' opinion (06/07/2018)
> PDN: Signing the audit contract (06/07/2018)
> HT1: Signing the audit contract (06/07/2018)
> VPB: The adjustment of foreign ownership limit at VPB approved (06/07/2018)