DIG: Notice of Board resolutions Development Investment Construction Joint Stock Corporation (DIC Corp) announces Board resolutions as follows:
Board Resolution No.15 dated June 12, 2018:
The Board of Directors approved the policy on withdrawing entire stake of DIC Corp at DIC Hoi An with a price of 17,000 VND/share.
Board Resolution No.17 dated June 12, 2018:
The Board of Directors approved the policy on increasing the charter capital of DIC Phuong Nam by VND200 billion as follows:
- DIC Corp will contribute more capital to increase the ownership ratio at DIC Phuong Nam to 49%.
- The capital contribution at DIC Phuong Nam will be executed in many phases. Of which, in the first phase, DIC Corp will contribute VND52.2 billion.
Board Resolution No.18 dated June 12, 2018:
The Board of Directors approved the change in the internal audit board:
- Mr. Dinh Quang Hoan, Member of the Board of Directors: Head of the internal audit board;
- Mr. Nguyen Hung Cuong, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors: Member of the internal audit board;
- Mr. Nguyen Quang Tin resign as Member of the internal audit board;
- To elect an additional member. HOSE