CDO: Holding 2018 AGM Consultancy Design and Urban Development JSC announces the holding of the Annual General Meeting 2018 as follows:
- Meeting time: 8:00AM, Thursday, June 28, 2018
- Meeting venue: Serena Resort Kim Boi, Sao Bay Commune, Kim Boi District, Hoa Binh Province, Viet Nam.
- Content:
+ Report on the BOD activities in 2017 and plan for 2018;
+ Report from the Supervisory Board in 2017 and plan for 2018;
+ Audited financial statements in 2016 & 2017;
+ Plan for 2016-2017 profit distribution;
+ Plan for 2017-2018 remuneration of the BOD and Supervisory Board;
+ Selection of the audit firm to audit financial statements in 2018;
+ Personnel change;
+ Approving to invest in project at Lao;
+ Other issues. HOSE