IBC: Resolution on the private placement of bonds
Apax Holdings Joint Stock Company announces the Board resolution dated May 28, 2018 as follows:
> VDS: Board approves the second bond issue in 2018 (29/05/2018)
> HNG: Notice of public offering of bonds (29/05/2018)
> SHS: Results of corporate bond issue (25/05/2018)
> HNG: Resolution on the record date for the public offering of bonds (25/05/2018)
> HNG: HNG receives the certificate for the public offering of bonds (25/05/2018)
> Government raises US$2.52 billion from G-bonds (25/05/2018)
> MBS: Issuing of 500 billion inconvertible bonds (24/05/2018)
> NVL11605: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (23/05/2018)
> GIL: The consulting company for the issuance of bonds and shares (23/05/2018)
> SCR: Board resolution on private placement of bonds (23/05/2018)