SJF: Resolution of AGM 2017 Sunstar Investment Joint Stock Company announced the resolution of the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which was organized on August 10, 2017:
Article 1: Approving reports of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on business result in 2016.
Article 2: Approving the audited financial statements in 2016.
Article 3: Approving to choose Vietland Auditing – Consulting Company Limited (Vietland) to audit its financial statements in 2017.
Article 4: Approving the allowance payment to the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in 2016. Total allowance paid in 2016 was: VND408 million.
Article 5: Approving the income report in 2016 and business plan for 2017:
Business result in 2016:
- Total asset : VND1,121 billion
- Revenue : VND 1,158 billion
- Profit after tax : VND 65.7 billion
Business plan for 2017:
- Revenue : VND 1,200 billion
- Profit after tax : VND 75 billion
- Dividend : 10% of charter capital
Article 6: Approving to authorize the Board of Directors contents. HOSE