PVS: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (holding company)
Petro Vietnam Technical Services Corporation announced the company's Reviewed financial statement 2017 of holding company.
> DTK: Explanation for the difference in financial statement in first 6 months of 2017 year on year (14/08/2017)
> CTX: Explanation for the difference in financial statement QII.2017 year on year (14/08/2017)
> NNG: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (holding company) (14/08/2017)
> NNG: Reviewed financial statement 2017 (consolidated) (14/08/2017)
> VGT: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2017 (14/08/2017)
> RCC: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2017 (14/08/2017)
> SHG: Financial Statement FY 2016 (14/08/2017)
> PGT: Change in Business Registration Certificate (11/08/2017)
> MHL: Change in Business Registration Certificate (11/08/2017)
> NET: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of the first 6 months of 2017 year on year (11/08/2017)