MWG: BODs Resolution on collecting shareholders’ opinion On August 22, 2017, BODs of Mobile World Investment Corporation approved a plan for collecting shareholders’ opinion in writing as follows:
1) Approving the new budget for M & A mergers and trading:
- The new budget for M & A:
+ Old budget: 500 billion dongs
+ New budget: 2,500 billion dongs
- Purpose of raising the budget for M & A: to implement M & A with retail partners.
- Financial resources for raising the budget of M & A:
+ Borrowed funds and bond issunace;
+ Undistributed profit;
+ New stock issuance.
2) Approving the plan for private placement:
- Stock name: Mobile World Investment Corporation
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Number of shares issued: 307,765,789 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 136,065 shares
- Number of outstanding shares: 307,629,724 shares
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 6,700,000 shares (equivalent to 2.18% of outstanding voting shares)
- Total value (based on par value): 67,000,000,000 dongs
- Issuance method: private placement
- Number of investors expected to be offered: less than 10 investors.
- Transfer restriction: within 01 year after issuance completion.
- Time of implementation: 2017
- Expected charter capital after the issuance: 3,144,657,890,000 dongs
- Plan to deal with unsold shares: In case of the end of the issuance, the number of shares that have not yet been distributed, it is considered as the number of shares not yet issued.
3) Proceeds use plan after the issuance: to supplement the mobile capital for business activities. HOSE