DHM: Personnel change
On August 01, 2017, BODs of Duong Hieu Trading and Mining Joint Stock Company approved the personnel change as follows:
1) Approving the resignation of Ms. Nguyen Thuy Quyen as Chief Accountant as from August 01, 2017.
2) Approving the appointment of Ms. Dang Thieu Hoa as Chief Accountant as from August 01, 2017.
> BBC: Deputy CEO appointment (03/08/2017)
> AGP: Change in personnel (03/08/2017)
> HNM: Change in personnel (02/08/2017)
> ALV: Change in personnel (02/08/2017)
> NDF: Change in Information Disclosure Officer (02/08/2017)
> HSG: Notice of change of personnel (02/08/2017)
> PHR: Deputy CEO resignation (02/08/2017)
> HT1: Deputy CEO resignation (02/08/2017)
> ANV: CFO resignation (02/08/2017)
> AMD: Personnel change (02/08/2017)