ANV: CFO resignation
On August 01, 2017, BODs of Nam Viet corporation approved the resignation of Mr. Tran Minh Canh as Chief Financial Officer as from August 01, 2017.
> AMD: Personnel change (02/08/2017)
> MSR: Management Change (02/08/2017)
> SDP: Change in personnel (01/08/2017)
> SDC: Change in personnel (01/08/2017)
> VGP: Change in personnel (01/08/2017)
> VCA: Change in personnel (01/08/2017)
> SBA: Personnel change (01/08/2017)
> TCH: Deputy CEO appointment (01/08/2017)
> TMP: Member of BODs resignation (01/08/2017)
> ACL: Change of the authorized of spokesman (01/08/2017)