VNE: Resolution on plan for 2015 stock dividend payment Vietnam Electricity Construction Joint Stock Corporation announced Board Resolution No.27 dated October 26, 2016 as follows:
Articles 1: Board approved the plan for 2015 stock dividend payment:
- Exercise ratio: 10:1 (The shareholders who own 10 shares will receive 01 right. Every 01 right will be entitled to receive 01 new share)
- Number of shares issued: 82,357,505 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 1,598,920 shares
- Number of outstanding shares: 80,758,585 shares
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 8,075,858 shares
- Total value of shares expected to be issued (on par value): VND80,758,580,000
- Total number of shares after issued: 90,433,363 shares
- Estimated time of implementation: Quarter 4.2016
- Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down. The fractional shares will be cancelled.
- For example, if shareholder A owns 417 shares at the record date, he will receive 41 new shares. The fractional part ( 0.7 share) will be cancelled.
- Purpose: stock issuance to pay dividends for 2015.
Articles 2: This resolution will be effective from October 26, 2016. HOSE