TMS: Result of conversion from bonds into shares by internal person
Result of conversion from bonds into shares by internal person of Transimex Corporation as follows:
> SSI: Result of private placement of SSIBOND012017 bonds (23/01/2017)
> SSI: BOD resolution on issuance of bond SSIBOND012017 (18/01/2017)
> SSI: BOD resolution on issuance of bond SSIBOND012017 (17/01/2017)
> SSI: Board resolution on private placement of bonds (18/01/2017)
> FCN: Board approves the plan for bond conversion (08/02/2017)
> NBB: Report on the result of bond conversion (07/02/2017)
> TMS: Report on result of bond conversion by affiliated company (VINA) (03/02/2017)
> ANC11601: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (06/02/2017)
> NBB: Board approves the result of bond conversion (07/02/2017)
> FCN: Report on the result of bond conversion (09/02/2017)