SSI: SSI requests for delay the disclosure of financial statements
Saigon Securities Incorporation sent documents to HOSE to request to delay the disclosure of its the quarterly consolidated financial statements in 2017 as follows: within 30 days from the last day of quarter for the quarterly financial statements.
However, the request of SSI must be approved in writing by the State Securities Commission.
> SRF: Announces the record date for AGM 2017 (13/02/2017)
> VPH: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2017 (13/02/2017)
> SGT: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2017 (13/02/2017)
> TPC: TPC requests for delay the disclosure of financial statements (14/02/2017)
> PTL: PTL approved to delay the disclosure of financial statements (14/02/2017)
> FPT: Resolution on business result in 2016 & plans for 2017 (14/02/2017)
> GTA: Board resolution on business plan for 2017 (14/02/2017)
> PHR: Board resolution on holding AGM 2017 (14/02/2017)
> HU3: HU3 requests for delay the disclosure of financial statements (15/02/2017)
> HU1: HU1 approved to delay the disclosure of financial statements (15/02/2017)