Tuesday, 14/02/2017 14:24

FPT: Resolution on business result in 2016 & plans for 2017

Based on Resolution No.01.02-2017/NQ-HĐQTFPT dated February 13, 2017, BODs of FPT Securities Joint Stock Company approved the company’s business result in 2016 & plans for 2017 as follows:

Article 1: BODa approved the company’s business result in 2016:

-          Revenue (consolidated): 40,545 billion dongs, increase by 1.4% YoY 2015

-          Profit before tax (consolidated): 3,014 billion dongs, increase by 5.7% YoY 2015

-          Profit after tax: 2,576 billion dongs, increase by 5.6% YoY 2015

-          Profit after tax of shareholders of parent company: 1,991 billion dongs, increase by 3.1% YoY 2015

-          EPS: 3,925dongs, increase by 2.8% YoY 2015.

Article 2: BODs approved the comapny’s business plans in 2017:

-          Revenue: 46,619 billion dongs, increase by 15% YoY 2016

-          Profit before tax: 3,408 billion dongs, increase by 13% YoY 2016.

Article 3: BODs approved the issuance of shares for employees:

-          Time of implementation: June 30, 2017

Article 4: BODs approved the record date for 2017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders:

-          Record date: March 01, 2017

-          Meeting time: March 31, 2017

-          Meting venue: Deawoo Hotel, 360 Kim Ma, Hanoi.


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