SBA: Board approved the business result in 9 months of 2016 & plan for Q4.2016 Song Ba Joint Stock Company has announced Resolution No.04 dated December 20, 2016as follows:
Articles 1: Board the business result in Q3.2016 & 9 months of 2016:
The business result in Q3.2016:
- Total production of commercial electricity: 38,8/41,7 million kWh, equivalent to 93.05%;
- Revenue from electricty production: 51,65/46,09 billion dongs, equivalent to 112.06%;
- Profit before tax: 18,11/11,56 billion dongs, equivalent to 156.66%;
- Profit after tax: 17,20/10,99 billion dongs, equivalent to 156.51%;
- EPS: 285/182dongs/share, equivalent to 156.59%.
The business result in 9 months of 2016
- Total production of commercial electricity: 71,19/175,0 million kWh, equivalent to 40.68%;
- Revenue from electricty production: 104,51/203,21 billion dongs, equivalent to 51.43%;
- Profit before tax: 18,36/66,56 billion dongs, equivalent to 27.58%;
- Profit after tax: 17,30/61,29 billion dongs, equivalent to 28.23%;
- EPS: 287/1013dongs/share, equivalent to 28.33%.
Plan for Q4.2016 & in 2016:
+ Q4.2016:
- Total production of commercial electricity: 98,66 million kWh
- Revenue from electricty production: 99,23 billion dongs
- Total expenses: 54,78 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 48,92 billion dongs
- Profit after tax: 44.64 billion dongs
- EPS: 741dongs/share
+ In 2016:
- Total production of commercial electricity: 169,85 million kWh, equivalent to 97.05%;
- Revenue from electricty production: 203,74 billion dongs, equivalent to 100.26%;
- Total expenses: 141,68 billion dongs, equivalent to 100.01%;
- Profit before tax: 67,29 billion dongs, equivalent to 101.08%;
- Profit after tax: 61,94 billion dongs, equivalent to 101.06%;
- EPS: 1028dongs/share, equivalent to 101.48%.
Articles 2: This Resolution will be effective from December 20, 2016. HOSE