PVD: Change of personnel
Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Service Corporation announced personnel change as follows:
Approving the resignation of Ms. Ho Ngoc Yen Phuong as Deputy CEO.
Ms. Ho Ngoc Yen Phuong replaced Mr. Tran Van Hoat as a member of the BOD.
> FLC: Appointment Chairman of the BOD (13/06/2016)
> APSI: Change of personnel (13/06/2016)
> HSG: Appointment Deputy CEO (14/06/2016)
> EMC: Appointment Chief Accountant and Deputy CEO (14/06/2016)
> SII: Change of personnel (15/06/2016)
> TIE: Change of personnel (15/06/2016)
> SFC: SFC signs an Auditing Contract & change of personnel (15/06/2016)