NVT: Memeber of BODs resignation
On February 10, 2017. Ninh Van Bay Travel Real Estate Joint Stock Company announced the resignation of Mr. Bernardi Djumiril as member of BODsas from February 10, 2017.
> VNG: Notice of personnel change (14/02/2017)
> BTP: Deputy CEO resignation (15/02/2017)
> VTB: Deputy CEO resignation (15/02/2017)
> DVP: Deputy CEO appointment (15/02/2017)
> MSN: Deputy CEO appointment (16/02/2017)
> HAI: Change of personnel (16/02/2017)
> SAV: Chief Accountant appointment (24/02/2017)
> NBB: Project Manager resignation (17/02/2017)
> LIX: CEO appointment (17/02/2017)
> HID: Deputy CEO appointment (17/02/2017)