MSN: Deputy CEO appointment
Based on Resolution No.70/2017/NQ-HĐQT dated February 15, 2017. BODs of Ma San Group Corporation approved the appointment of Mr. Le Trung Thanh as Deputy CEOas from February 15, 2017.
> HAI: Change of personnel (16/02/2017)
> SAV: Chief Accountant appointment (24/02/2017)
> NBB: Project Manager resignation (17/02/2017)
> LIX: CEO appointment (17/02/2017)
> HID: Deputy CEO appointment (17/02/2017)
> HAP: Change of personnel (20/02/2017)
> BMP: Deputy CEO resignation (20/02/2017)
> VSH: A member of Supervisory Board resignation (20/02/2017)
> QBS: Change of spokesman (21/02/2017)
> SAM: Deputy CEO appointment (21/02/2017)