Thursday, 04/05/2017 16:53

ITC: Resolution on the 2017 AGM

Investment and Trading of Real Estate Joint stock Company announces Resolution of 2017 AGM as follows:

1. Approving 2016 business results, 2017 business plan and operation reports of the BOD and the Supervisory Board.
2. Approving 2016 profit distribution:
-       2016 separate profit after tax: 28,686,730,753 dongs
-       Allotting 5% to Reserve Fund: 1,434,336,538 dongs
-       Dividend 3.5% (350 dongs / share): 24,026,214,800 dongs
-       Remaining profit: 3,226,179,415 dongs
3. Approving compensations for the BOD & the Supervisory Board.
4. Approving decision on choosing 2017-audited company.
5. Approving business supplement.
6. Approving Chairman of the BOD cum the CEO.
7. Approving Mr. Vo Huu Hai appointed to a member of the BOD term 2016-2021.
8. Resolution is valid as of 27 April 2017.


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>   TAC: Allowed to delay AGM 2017 (05/05/2017)

>   DTA: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2017 (12/05/2017)

>   DTA: Board resolution on business plan (12/05/2017)

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