Friday, 14/10/2016 15:01

GDT: The record date for first cash dividend payment for 2016

On October 13, 2016, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.1065/TB-SGDHCM about the record date for first cash ividend payment for 2016 of Duc Thanh Wood Processing Joint Stock Company (stock code: GDT) as follows:

-        Ex-right date:   October 24, 2016

-        Record date:     October 25, 2016

  1. 1.      Reason and Purpose:  to pay first cash dividends for 2016.
  2. 2.      Details information:

To pay first cash dividends for 2016:

-        Exercise ratio: 20%/par value (2,000dongs/share)

-        Payment date: November 17, 2016

-        Place of payment:

+ Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.

 + Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: at Duc Thanh Wood Processing Joint Stock Company.


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>   DIC: Notice of record date for dividend payment (14/10/2016)

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>   HAH: The record date for cash dividend payment for 2016 (18/10/2016)

>   CSV: The record date for the first cash dividend payment 2016 (18/10/2016)

>   CSV: Board Resolution on first cash dividend payment for 2016 (18/10/2016)

>   PVD: Board Resolution plan for 2015 dividend payment (19/10/2016)

>   C47: Record date for issuing rights, bonus shares & paying dividend (20/10/2016)

>   TCM: The record date the 2015 remaining dividend (21/10/2016)

>   SBA: Resolution plan for 2015 dividend payment (21/10/2016)

>   CSV: The record date for the first cash dividend payment 2016 (24/10/2016)

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