CTD: Report on result of stock issuance
Cotec Construction Joint Stock Company has announced the result of stock issuance as follows:
> MWG: Result of ESOP (14/12/2015)
> CCL: Report on the result of share issue (11/12/2015)
> HVG: Resolution on stock issuance (14/12/2015)
> HSG: Result of share issue for dividend payment (15/12/2015)
> CTD: Increasing charter capital (15/12/2015)
> STG: Plan for bond issuance (16/12/2015)
> STB: Increasing charter capital (17/12/2015)
> DAT: Resolution on the transfer of capital (17/12/2015)
> FIT: Report on the use of capital of ESOP 2015 (18/12/2015)
> VDSC: Increasing charter capital (21/12/2015)