CLL: Personnel change
On July 24, 2017, BODs of Cat Lai Port Joint Stock Company approved the personnel change as follows:
1) Approving the resignation of Mr. Le Thanh Khoa as Chairman of BODs.
2) Approving the list of the Board of Directors members for the period 2013 – 2018:
- Mr. Nguyen Dang Nghiem: Chairman of BODs
- Mr. Le Thanh Khoa: Deputy Chairman of BODs
- Mr. Vu Ngoc Tuyen: member of BODs
- Mr. Lam Van Tuan: member of BODs
- Mr. Nguyen Van Quan: member of BODs cum CEO
> CLL: Board Resolution on Change of Personnel (24/07/2017)
> VNE: Member of BODs resignation (24/07/2017)
> PTL: Selection of auditing firm & personnel change (24/07/2017)
> HU3: Deputy Director resignation (24/07/2017)
> LTC: Change in personnel (24/07/2017)
> KHB: Change in Information Disclosure Officer (21/07/2017)
> SAF: Change in personnel (21/07/2017)
> KHB: Change in personnel (21/07/2017)
> CKD: Change in personnel (21/07/2017)
> TNC: Deputy CEO appointment (21/07/2017)