VNE: Member of BODs resignation
On July 21, 2017, Vietnam Electricity Construction Joint Stock Corporation received the resignation letter from Mr. Phan Trinh Anh Tuan as member of BODs. Therefore, he is no longer the BODs member of VNE as from July 21, 2017.
> PTL: Selection of auditing firm & personnel change (24/07/2017)
> HU3: Deputy Director resignation (24/07/2017)
> LTC: Change in personnel (24/07/2017)
> KHB: Change in Information Disclosure Officer (21/07/2017)
> SAF: Change in personnel (21/07/2017)
> KHB: Change in personnel (21/07/2017)
> CKD: Change in personnel (21/07/2017)
> TNC: Deputy CEO appointment (21/07/2017)
> VFG: Change of the authorized of spokesman (21/07/2017)
> CIG: Change of the authorized of spokesman (21/07/2017)