BCI: Notice of change of personnel
Based on the Resolution No.01/2017/NQ-HĐQT. BOSDs of Binh Chanh Construction Investment Shareholding Company approving the change of personnel as follows:
- BODs approving the resignation of Mr. Nguyen Thuy Nhan as CEO as from January 19, 2017.
- BODs approving the appointment of Mr. Pham Minh Nhut as CEO as from January 19, 2017. He is also a legal representative of BCI.
> KHA: Chief Accountant appointment (24/01/2017)
> TBC: Chief Accountant resignation (25/01/2017)
> TSC: Notice of change of personnel (02/02/2017)
> HTV: Accounting Manager appointment (03/02/2017)
> CCI: Notice of change of personnel (07/02/2017)
> ROS: Deputy CEO appointment (07/02/2017)
> DIG: Notice of personnel appointment (08/02/2017)
> SAB: Notice of personnel change (08/02/2017)
> PAC: Notice of personnel appointment (08/02/2017)
> TRA: Notice of personnel change (08/02/2017)