DIG: Notice of personnel appointment
Based on the BODs Resolution, BODs of Development Investment Construction Joint Stock Corporation approved a personnel appointment as follows:
- Mr. Dang Xuan Huong is appointed as Deputy CEO cum Director of Management Board of Nam Vinh Yen New Urban Area Project as from February 06, 2017.
> SAB: Notice of personnel change (08/02/2017)
> PAC: Notice of personnel appointment (08/02/2017)
> TRA: Notice of personnel change (08/02/2017)
> TAC: Change of personnel in a branch (09/02/2017)
> VRC: Change of personnel (14/02/2017)
> HHS: Notice of a resignation (10/02/2017)
> BCI: Notice of personnel change (10/02/2017)
> DAT: Notice of a resignation of CFO (10/02/2017)
> BIC: Notice of change of personnel (13/02/2017)
> TMP: Notice of personnel change (13/02/2017)