SHA: Board Resolution on increasing capital of subsidiary
> Viglacera to increase charter capital to $137m this year (28/04/2016)
> PHC: Contribute capital to establish new legal entity for project implementation (26/04/2016)
> CTC: Notice of transaction of connected institution (The State Capital Investment Corporation) (22/04/2016)
> MKV: Board resolution on distributing unsold shares from the share issuance (21/04/2016)
> BED: Notice of transaction of connected institution (The State Capital Investment Corporation) (21/04/2016)
> BED: Result of transaction of connected institution (The State Capital Investment Corporation) (20/04/2016)
> Vietcombank to increase capital to US$178 trillion (16/04/2016)
> S12: Explanation for reason for the accumulated loss over charter capital and solutions to the delisting (12/04/2016)
> SHS: Result of bond issue (11/04/2016)
> KVC: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 and share issue to outstanding shareholders (11/04/2016)